Dec 15, 2012

Revolutionary Change: Diamond like leadership

Diamonds have been considered precious for centuries. They have literally been around since the beginning of time and they will last through eternity. Charismatic leaders are unique and hard to find having their own facets of strength. They are precious because of the value they add to their country just like Li QuanYu adds to Singapore and Nelson Mandela adds to South Africa.

Diamonds is the hardest natural substances in nature, I do not want to say leader to be hard to get along with and towards the people of the country, but I do want to equate hardness of diamond with self determination, self reliance and tough enough not to fracture and break from the economic pressures faced in country today; tough enough to tell the truth; tough enough to cut through problems to solutions. 

Diamonds has greater transparent/clarity than other solid, greater to clarity in diamond add greater the value.If the leader have greater visionary/clear picture of the country than the more productive the folk people’s and co-workers (bureaucrats & political parties) will be.
Diamonds has highest melting point of any natural substances.When it comes to relationships, have a high melting point and give others the benefit of a doubt. Work to raise the melting point of discussions and disagreements. Model towards co-workers and have the ability to pause, think, and then act. Not the reverse order like act first (often inappropriately), then pause and think. 

Diamonds conducts heat better than anything .The heat leaders need to conduct is his/her positive energy and a belief in the future .Leader must have to be conductor of optimism and hope. If he/she can be a positive leader, definitely will be as a beacon of light in the darkness.
To remove the problems in Nepali politics, we need a leader who has mastered above four qualities of the element “Diamond”. We need a charismatic leader harder like diamond to tackle the issues related to diplomatic policy (especially to India & China), transparent to the issues related to economic policy for the better future of people and economic development of the country, high melting points towards the co-working parties and bureaucrats. The leader having these characteristics definitely can lead the country and can be conductor of people's hope i.e. to see developed, prosperous and greater NEPAL.

Dec 3, 2012

Youth spirit - Power to change

It is strange that the sections of the youth, especially the educated ones are not interested in politics.There is no doubt that youth involvement in the politics of the country not only gives them a chance to explore their leadership abilities but also in shaping the future of the country. Favoritism and hypocrisy hinder educated youths to fully participating in politics and they think ‘it is a dirty game’. Perhaps what they fail to understand is that this 'game' is a lucrative business that has made even the most accomplished scholars to abandon their careers and join the bandwagon.
Political parties’ especially communist leaders across the globe made young people central to their plans to create parties, states, and societies.Youth support was crucial to both the preparation of revolution and the establishment of lasting communist regimes and societies. Once in power, communist leaders made the transformation of the younger generation central to the attempt to create new communist societies. Because young people lacked prior political experience and were considered more malleable than adults, communist leaders believed they could be transformed into ardent supporters of communism and builders of new socialist societies. In fact, if young people were often builders of socialism, they were also among those willing to dissent from communist ideology. A good example is the use of various artists’ participation in political campaigns around the country. But there are major problems facing their industry, which has never been addressed ever since. Artists always come into loggerheads with promoters and managers on the issues of copyright and piracy of their works. It is not fair for them to use young people and artists as stepping stones to reach their goals.
For many years, youth have been said to be “tomorrow's nation” and this to a large extent has been viewed by youth as a way of sidelining them from active politics. Personally, the term motivates me to use my energy effectively in bettering our nation. My energy could be used to build my nation by voting, running for political/official .Youths could use their vision, talents, energy, and knowledge to shape the country into a nation that welcomes everyone. We could use these skills by participating in the political process, vying for offices of our interest despite of attempts of self-centered and possibly uneducated politicians that portray our youthfulness, innocence, and lack of experience as weakness in the political arena."
"We - youths, are capable of bringing changes that will improve lives of all Nepalese. The power to clean our country and make it a better nation on earth is within us. Speaking of politics being lucrative, that is an undeniable fact and examples could be drawn from within and even neighboring countries. Critics say there is so much money involved in politics that's why hypocrisy and witchcraft are common features. It is the reason why some people fight tooth and nail to make sure they cling to their positions. Now and then top leaders would have to encourage young people to participate in upcoming election. Getting new faces in elected position creates a door for new air to come in the government and make it easier for more development.

Dec 1, 2012

Improve your charismatic Rank to become successfull

Each of you want to be charismatic  though we are not born charismatic, we must cultivate it in many ways.One way is by observing and learning from people who you think are charismatic but you don’t need to copy them but learn their secrets, try them on and fine tune them until they fit you.It’s trial and error process. Other relative term Success is mix of idealism dreams and self determination. Nothing in the world can take the place of persistance .Talent will also not, nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. genious will not rewarded education will also not. Genious is almost a proverb. The world is full of educated derelicts ,persistance and determination are omnipotent.

Strengths does not come from physical capacity,It come from an indominate will.  Take life  is not destination its journey. Life is what happens while you are making other plans. Each of you want to recipe for success and become charismatic so you must try to add mark,you must identify your unique value and honour your reputation. Sometimes when you trying to take one day at a time  several days attack at once but never be pessimist and perplexed in such diffficult situation.Patience is bitter plant that produce a sweet fruit. These people who strive for perfection in their life always recognize that the rewards of success may come late and  never afraid from the space between dreams and reality. If you can dream you can make it also because perfection is perfectly simple.

The future looks bright if you choose to shine and want to become a star. For that you have to follow your bliss and take impatient as unhealthy, The gem can’t be polished without friction,nor man be perfected without trials. Fortunes may come and go. If  you knowingly try to suicide your intellect than what’s the value of hollow body having full parts of healthy components. Charismatic people listen to their heart, can stay determined and plan for long think for short and harder they work luckier they get .Successfull people wisely spend time which never wait man and have finite limits.The self confidence that comes from knowing you can repeat your success gives you a terrific mental edge. Trust let go and focus on present. Never stop strieving, never stop learning,never stop teaching ,you are smart enough  so guard your reputation.Want to improve your charismatic rank and become successfull,its never to late so don’t close your eyes this is your life just cultivate it.One bad news is that once you have your charismatic status you can lose it, but another good news is that if you lose it with self awareness and effort you can regain your charismatic ranking,so always keep reaching and risking.